Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Things that Make Me Happy List!!!!!

Today, grab a sheet of paper and start writing down everything that makes you happy, that makes you smile and warms your heart. Write as many ideas as you can. The goal is to make this list the longest list you’ll ever make in your life! You’ll keep this list somewhere accessible and feed it regularly (I like every day). Some of the activities will be very simple (e.g.: drinking a cup of hot chocolate while watching your favorite chick flick), some will require more finances and/or logistics (e.g.: going back to Disney World with your family or going on a cruise). And that’s great, write everything down.
Now what do you do then with this list? Here are a few ideas:
  • Whenever you have a few moments to spare during the day, grab your list and do one of the activities you noted.
  • Better yet, schedule a Happy Moment every day, or at least every week, and do something nice for yourself.
  • For the more complex activities, include them in your 1-, 3- or 5-year plan. You’ll have something exciting to plan and work for!

With this, you won’t have an excuse to not pamper yourself. It’ll help you have conscious personal moments, and that’s priceless. You’ll also have something really nice to look forward to every day. How amazing is that? So get on your writing, and I wish you very Happy Moments!

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