Friday, May 18, 2012

A simple laugh

This morning I was going down to the gift shop to grab some Mt. Dew like I usually do, and I met this amazing little girl.  Her name was Elyse, and as we started talking she told me that she was 3.  The thing about Elyse is that she had no hair, just stubble and was wearing this beautiful purple flower dress.  She told me that she had neuroblastoma and that she was having to start treatment again.  Her uncle told me that she had been doing treatments, and they thought it had gone into remission, and out of no where came back.  She saw my pacemaker scar and thought that I had a port like her, and I told her that I had a little machine that helps my heart.  Then she saw my heart scar.  She asked me if she could touch it and asked if it hurt.  I told her no, that my chest didn't hurt anymore, she said, you wanna see my scars.  Right there in the gift shop this little girl lifted up her dress and showed me her belly, her port scar on her chest and the scar that she had right down the middle of her spine.  She said see even these make me look pretty.  I told her, that she was beautiful with her scars.  She gave me a hug, and told me to have a good day, as her and her uncle headed back to her room.  That one little girl hug, made my day.  Life is so delicate.  Her smile was amazing and her laughter intoxicating as she was dragging her uncle around the shop looking for things to get.  So here is to the kids with their scars, rock em!!!  Be proud of them.  Your scar is the outward symbol of an inward journey.  NEVER, NEVER, NEVER forget that.  To Elyse, you made my day. 

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