Saturday, May 19, 2012

How often do you ask why when something is happening or has already happened?
The cause for things happening can have multiple reasons and asking why is your mind’s need to make sense because confusion and uncertainty can feel unsafe, unpredictable, and painful.

Answers give relief

We ask why to understand and to regain control so we will know what to do. We ask why because we often look at life circumstances as problems or bad things.
When we do things we regret, feel shame, or beat ourselves up for, we wonder, “Why did I do that?” Or “Why didn’t I do [fill in the blank]?” We want to know so we can fix things or fix ourselves so next time we will do things differently and not repeat the past.

We want life to make sense

How often have you gained insight into what causes you to do or feel something and you keep wondering why that pattern is still alive within you?
We want life to make sense
Guess what?
It doesn’t.
At least not in all the ways we are accustomed to thinking and understanding. Seeking to understand yourself with the curiosity of a child opens pathways for growth and inner healing.
Growth can be a great starting point that can rapidly become a “sticking point.”

Learning to ask different questions

I’ve been on my own healing journey for quite some time. I’ve endured a financial hardship that has impacted my business and my personal life from 2009 – 2011. This circumstance has profoundly transformed me.
Asking why I created that situation, why it was happening and the many others whys I could have asked would have only inflated the anger I already felt towards myself, God, and LIFE!
Instead I asked different questions such as:
- How is this situation serving me to grow and heal?
- What is this situation challenging me to do or be that I have resisted?
- What qualities might be cultivated from this experience?
- What do I need to let go of?
- What is the gift and blessing in this experience that I can also share with the world?
Looking at my life situation from a higher perspective strengthened my courage, faith, and trust and brought me closer to God. My life is filled with abundance, love, and Grace. It always has been. And so is yours!
When you look at all that is happening as healing and growth opportunities, life takes on a deeper meaning.
If you have done a lot of inner work and see familiar patterns still alive within you, it is because each time we expand into the next level of our expression, stuff held more deeply within ourselves rises to the surface to be acknowledged, felt, accepted, and released.
Some of what you might be feeling may be part of your service to the world to heal pain for others who cannot do that for themselves. Remember that we are all one.

Your own inner healing, heals the world

I believe that all things happen for a reason. Every prayer is always answered and help comes in the forms that serve us in the highest way to grow and “wake up” to who we are.
Letting go of the need to know the “why” invites faith and trust to grow.
Be open to see the perfection of your life. Let go of any whys you might be struggling with and be open to opportunities for deeper faith and trust. Tune your eyes to see some of the hidden gifts and blessings you might be overlooking.
And then say, “Thank you.”

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