Saturday, May 12, 2012

Thoughts for a Beautiful Day! An update....

For the last couple months, there has been so much that has happened, that it seriously has been a whirlwind.  Kyle is getting ready to graduate from preschool and start Kindergarten in the fall.  The last 6 months has flown by.  With a trip to Louisiana to meet my niece and nephew to watching my nieces grow up out here, life has truly been a blessing.  Kyle has started asking more and more about my heart scar and how exactly they do surgery.  This is something that we are having to answer more, and because he wants specifics, he has been asking very in depth questions.  I've been able to go back to church and in October was baptized with my friend Vanessa with me.  It was important to me.  My life had been going through so many changes, and it was the time for me to begin my walk with God.  Me and Kevin are doing great.  Since the stroke was diagnosed last year and we have been able to get meds to help with the stroke side of things, there has been in a huge change and it has actually been good to enjoy my family time.  I have been accepted to the Adult Congenital Heart Association Heart to Heart Ambassador Program which I am looking forward to with all my heart.  A chance to help others who have been where I was years ago and able to educate.  There is so much in the CHD community that has moved me this year.  Many of my mended little brothers and sisters are making huge jumps in leaps and bounds.  It has been awesome to watch one milestone after another achieved.  I have met a lot more adults in the Tucson community with CHD and it is amazing that with as big as Tucson is, we don't have a CHD program for our adults.  I would love to see this come to fruition.  Currently we have been having an upwards battle with Bentley.  We have had issues where there have been days where she works beautifully and there has been days where there might be a slip up here or there.  I checked multiple things off my bucket list this year so far.  Simple things, but one of the biggest I am excited about was going bungee jumping.  It was like flying, one of the most amazing feelings in the world.  Right now....I'm in a great place with family, my faith, my heart.  I couldn't ask for better people in my life, and surely couldn't ask for a better Kevin and Kyle.  Hugs and love to all.  Will be posting more on here as I get going again. 

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