Friday, May 18, 2012

6 Rules To Live By

1. Life is so much more fun if you just let loose and live completely with no regrets. It builds confidence and gives you an exhilarating feeling to do what you want, when you want.

2. The Lord always answers prayers. I know we've always heard this but, it is SO true and I know that without a doubt. There have been so many times where I have had to pray to God and ask silly little questions because, I just didn't know what to do. And in HIS time, those prayers were answered.

3. I am incredibly blessed and grateful for everything that I have. Each night before I say my prayers - I sit there and think about my day. I have to pick out at least one thing that I am grateful for that day, that I can thank God for. Even if it's the worst day possible, I still have to pick something out. Sometimes, it's something as simple as the store clerk smiling at me. But, I've found when I do this - I'm much more attentive to what the Lord blesses me with.

4. EVERYTHING happens for a reason. There are no coincidences when the Lord is in control, and let's be honest when ISN'T He in control? So, everything that happens in your life - it's happening for a reason. You just need to have the faith to see it through and show Him that you trust Him.

5. Service makes the world go 'round. Over the past year I have had so many people help me and all it makes me want to do is turn around and serve others. It's a wonderful cycle that should never ever stop! I have a HUGE testimony of service and I think that it is something that is often forgotten, especially in the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

6. I have the best friends anyone could ever ask for. I saw a sign today that said: "Good friends are like angels, you don't have to see them to know they are there." And that is all I need to say about my friends; new and old. You are amazing and I will never be able to express how much love and appreciation I have for you.

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