Friday, May 18, 2012

My Thoughts For Tonight

When you get right down to it, each and every one of us, regardless of our current situations in life, is very, very, very blessed. God will never leave us with out the blessings we deserve. However, it is entirely up to US to recognize the blessings placed in front of us. As I sit here and thinking, I realize that all along, I have had EXACTLY what I needed at that time. Life isn't easy, and life is challenging as HECK ... but if you EVER think that God leaves you stranded - you had better think again. He gives you just what you need - but do YOU recognize it?
I think that too often, we are left wondering why we're left standing alone during a trial. In reality, we need to look right in front of us and realize that we HAVE the blessings we need to make it through a difficult time. Are we too stubborn to recognize them? Are we too blind to accept that they are our blessings? Perhaps the blessings come in a way that we weren't expecting and we let them pass us by without acknowledgment.
Yes, life is challenging. Life is HARD. Life is exhausting. But, look around you and realize that there is SO much to be grateful for. It can all be taken away from you in a split second, so why not live for today ... enjoy this very moment ... recognize the good around you ... be grateful for what you have, regardless of whether is easy or hard ... and thank God for the life he has given you.

Life is short, why not make the best of it.
Be grateful.
Be happy.
Recognize your blessings.

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