Sunday, June 10, 2012

Wow, what a week

Things to remember each day!!!!!!

So you would think that a simple week would come and go with no issues.  Nope, not in this house buddy.  Last Saturday night me and Kevin were taking Kyle to the Valley of the Moon to see the Dark Crystal (one of our favorite movies).  Before we left, I told Kevin that I had a splitting headache, and took some aspirin not even thinking about it.  Got home after an uneventful night, was having some chest pain, and decided, take my meds, go to bed.....Let me just say this, if you wake up in a foggy like state, it is no fun.  Sunday I was so tired and everything was just slow motion it seemed.  Kevin went to lay down and sleep before work.  At 5 when Kevin woke up, he woke up to see my left side of my face drooped....Couldn't life my arm to save me, and my left leg was more in a dragging like state.  I called my friend Erica to come over and take a look at me and see how I was doing.  Most of the time I would fight a trip in the awesome ambulance, but I didn't, I knew something was really off, and just didn't want to acknowledge that.  So here I am in the back of the ambulance, I'm sure looking like I was drooling like hell on myself, and made it to the ER.  Now let me just say, when the ER is busy, your lucky to be seen in 3 hours.  I was seen, evaluated, CT'ed etc, and they told Kevin that it looked like I stroked or had a TIA.  They admitted me for a stroke.  The next morning when the neuro doc came in to take a look, I just barely had movement in my face, still having issues with my arm and leg, and making fun of myself.  I was then told that since both CT's were clear, that they were pretty sure that I had something called a complex migraine.  Apparently these little beasties mimic strokes!!!!  As if that isn't bad enough, whatever hit me exacerbated my stoke issues, and so I'm starting from the ground up.  Speech therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy.  YAY ME!!!!  Tuesday I was discharged and am currently trying to rest before I go back to work.  My heart sister Joanie had a sucessful surgery, and is doing really good.  I prayed like you wouldn't believe.  She has grandbabies to watch grow up.  On the up and up, past that, I'm trying to just be good.  I'm making it one day at a time, and have turned over all of this to God.  So much of this I have no control over, and God will put me where he needs me at the time I need to be there.  So, here are a couple pictures to help you recognize the signs and symptoms of a stroke:

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