Saturday, June 16, 2012

Reality and how it likes to show us our true strength

So as things were going, I started my therapies, 2x a week with occupational, physical and speech therapy.  Upon reading my discharge papers, I found that the doctors had in fact diagnosed me with complex migraines with a tia.  No wonder there are resdiuals!!!!!  I can't move my hands, I've slipped in the bathtub once...I'm sure I looked like the lady who went "Help I've fallen and can't get up!".  That is the joke in this house, unfortunately Kyle was sleeping and Kevin had left for work.  My speech therapist is working with me on my long speech issues and swallow.  We are noticing when I'm eating it takes two to three swallows to get something down.  With PT, well my left side sucks.  My hamstring is week and because of the ankle being damaged so many times, thank you to all the falls, we are having to rebuild my whole leg and arm.  Now on to occupational therapy.  This didn't really hit me till yesterday when the therapist was asking questions about how things are done in the house.  She asked, do you cook, I said not really, my husband does it.  She said do you do laundry, I said no, Kevin usually does that.  How about cleaning?  Kevin.  You would think that this would have hit me sooner and yet it hasn't.  Kevin has been running our house for almost 7 years without any real help from me.  I talked with him last night and told him for the first time it actually connected.  I didn't realize all he did.  In my brain Kevin is always stressed and usually being a pain.  But until that therapy session yesterday, Kevin has been running our house.  It is crazy when you have those realizations.  Me and Kevin are working on what is upcoming with my therapy sessions in hopes that we can work through all this together.  I can't imagine doing this without him.  Also, I have earned an appt with a CHD cardiothoracic surgeon on the 27th of this month.  We will see how this appt pans out.  There is a lot of questions that I have.  Dr. Teodori is one of the best in the country.  So we will see what he has to say.  I will probably post again later tonight.....but this is my thoughts for right now:
I think that too often, we are left wondering why we're left standing alone during a trial. In reality, we need to look right in front of us and realize that we HAVE the blessings we need to make it through a difficult time. Are we too stubborn to recognize them? Are we too blind to accept that they are our blessings? Perhaps the blessings come in a way that we weren't expecting and we let them pass us by without acknowledgment.

Yes, life is challenging. Life is HARD. Life is exhausting. But, look around you and realize that there is SO much to be grateful for. It can all be taken away from you in a split second, so why not live for today ... enjoy this very moment ... recognize the good around you ... be grateful for what you have, regardless of whether is easy or hard ... and thank God for the life he has given you.

Life is short, why not make the best of it.
Be grateful.
Be happy.
Recognize your blessings.

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